Tuesday, July 21, 2009

edu 3234 literary canon vs marginalized literature

Today, we learnt about literary canon, marginalized literature and feminisms. Literary canon refers to a classification of literature. A group of literary works that are considered the most important of a particular time period or place will be considered into literary canon. The works that had been accepted into the canon are widely read such as William Shakespeare’s works. Nevertheless, marginalized literature indicates the social process of becoming margin. This work is opposite of literary canon since it is not well known and not even widely read. Marginalized writing brings up the works of minority group.

Literary canon is indeed important as it helps us the readers of literature texts to choose marvelolous and of course suitable texts to read on. However, we should also pay attention to the texts by minory groups which are good as well as our options when we want to teach in the classroom. A balance between these two will help us to provide the best resources to students.

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