Tuesday, July 21, 2009

edu3234 bio-poem

I enjoyed my class today. Part of the reason why i said is because of the activity itself. We practiced bio-poem today, 11 August 2009.. This activity is easy as we have already being given a template and we just need to fill in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases about our dearest friends. I benefit a lot from this activity as I knew my friends better in terms of their likings and their interests.

My activity will definitely being a refreshment into our student’s interest of literature classroom. They will be given a ‘room’ to express themselves through poems. The template given to write bio poem will serve as their guides on how to write it.
Instead of writing a poem to my partners, i will dedicate this poem to myself. This is what i have done in the class today:

Cheerful,Talkative, Sentisive and sometimes outspoken,
A big lover of shopping,
Who loves variety colours of shirts, plenty of shoes and money,
Who is afraid of snakes, worms and
Who wants to see crystal clear beaches, lots of food to be eaten, and my famliy and friends happy,
Residents of mum and dad’s heart,
Shazrina Mustapa.

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