Friday, August 7, 2009

edu3234: project paper ( Ist meeting with Dr. Arshad)

My group member consists of 9 people including me. Mimi, Yin Chean, MinHui, Auni, Geeta and me managed to attend the first meeting. The other two members went back home .We met at 9am today at Bilik Am FPP. We discussed about our project paper which will contribute 40 percent of our overall marks for this course. I asked whether I can use the same text as my position paper and Dr. Arshad said that he has no problem with it. He insisted us to put quotation for our research papers or else he will penalize us for it. He also suggested us to make comparison between two texts in our task. Dr. Arshad wanted to see our first draft in two week’s time.
At 11am today, Auni and I went to FPP library to search for the suitable materials. Unfortunately I left my pendrive at my room so I just jot down the important and useful points in a piece of paper. Hopefully, I will manage to retrieve all the info later. Right now I am having problem in trying to connect the theme in Barn Burning with the theme of A Rose for Emily but until now, I have no idea how to make the idea tally each other. I have read at a website which commented that these two texts actually portrayed the conflict within one self. I think the best way to do it is by asking for Miss Dzeelfa or my friends’ opinion. Who knows maybe I can gain new insights from them.

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