Monday, January 28, 2008

first reading of "Oedipus Rex"

I have never read this play before so I have no idea what this play is all about. First thing that I do whenever my friend gives me the handout is looking at the picture of Sophocles at the front page. After that I realized that this paly is a very long play. I found difficulties when I read this play because I am not familiar with the setting. I also noticed there are prologue, parodos, scene 1, ode 1, scene 2, ode 2, scene 3, ode 3, scene 4, ode 4 and exodos in this play. I have never heard of the terms before thus it makes me really worried. I surf the internet to get analysis and summary of this play and I am grateful because after I read the analysis I managed to understand the overall ideas in the play.

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