Monday, March 17, 2008


In my opinion, my play is interesting although there are scenes that can be categorized as harsh. One of the harsh moments is in the opening of the play when there are a group of people buried a hand. The hand is holding a sword. So, from the early part of the play I already assumed that this play not suitable for children. Actually, I also wondered why we have always learnt about harshness and death in this semester. Oedipus Rex also displays the act when Oedipus blinded himself. For me, Macbeth is a kind of guy who greed for power and at the end, the power ruins him. He believes what the devil said about his future. I also think that Macbeth is willing to do anything in order to get the throne. He managed to be landlord and finally become the king of Scotland. The moral value from this play is we must not greed because it will destroy us someday. We should be grateful for who we are.

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